Physical Impairments/Other Health Disabilities/Traumatic Brain Injury
To assist school teams in evaluating and meeting the needs of students (birth to age 21) with medically diagnosed physical impairments, chronic or acute health conditions, or traumatic brain injuries.
Services by Physical Impairments/Other Health Disabilities/Traumatic Brain Injury
- Provide consultation and technical assistance to teams for evaluation, IEP development, program focus, and placement options
- Conduct classroom observations to assess and monitor existing services, programming, and student progress
- Provide school staff with recommendations for educational modifications, special and/or related services, and/or specific AT equipment, devices, programs, or materials
- Consult with medical and school staff, community agencies, and parents to address student needs
- Promote program development by creating heightened awareness of student abilities and limitations, providing information and training on student-specific medical diagnoses and educational implications
- Serve as your MN licensed person for any student under the Physically Impaired category of special education

Concussions |
Paula Snell
Physical/Health Disabilities\Traumatic Brain Injury
(507) 459-2763
Julie Cunningham-Henise
Virtual Physical Health Disabilities/Assistive Technology Consultant